ASLV Polymers Pvt Ltd

Patch Up Your Goods

Aslv Polymers Pvt. Ltd. is one of the main producers of various polymers. Organization is ISO 9001:2000 certified from URS for the up gradation1 of system, it was taken in 2004. They have their work place situated at Noida while the Office is at New Delhi 

SN Pandey

Product Range of, Aslv Polymers Pvt. Ltd. consists of many items & can be Categorize in 4 category first one is of Adhesives For Print & Packaging Industries like wet lamination adhesive , Pressure sensitive adhesive for tape & stickers, Over Print Varnis 
S.N. Pandey did B.Tech. from HBTI in polymer science (1985). After that he joined Vam Organic Chemicals Ltd. as a Technician he stayed for 7 years & then served Haryana Leathers Chemicals Ltd. as Manager for 3 years. Then he stared off with his own organi 

According to S.N. Pandey R& D in negligible in India & must be encouraged. Also he is not happy from Government as Government officials are not cooperative also Government is not supporting small scale industries. To avoid Taxes they are planning to put u 

ASLV Polymers Pvt Ltd, 9811697527, 9873414277, SN Pandey, Manufacturer of specialised polymers emulsions adhesives and coating, U. P. ,