Haydiman Electronics

Never Give up

Haydiman Electronics is one of the premier electronics suppliers & manufacturers, in the market today. Every body in the market related to electronics is very much familiar with the organization. Haydiman Electronics is supporting many other big organizat 

Mrs & Mr Vinit Sikand.jpg

Haydiman Electronics mainly manufactures stabilizers & transformers also the transformers manufactured by the organization can be used in various industries due to the varying nature of the transformers T.V. industry, Radio etc. That’s the reason many of  
Haydiman Electronics is owned by Vineet Sikand. As far as the qualifications of Vineet Sikand are concerned he did BSC in 1968 & MBA. After that he did job with birla’s. Then in 1972 he joined Voltas & served the company for 6 years after that he joined  

Finally in 1986 he started off with trading of transformers & just with in one year he started his own factory for production. But destiny checks tough guys to limits that’s why unfortunately he lost every thing same year by theft. Well destiny played its 

Haydiman Electronics, 9810296955, Mrs & Mr Vinit Sikand, Manufacturer of automatic & manual voltage, stabliser, servo, voltage, stablisers, U. P.,