Senior Sewing Machine Co


Royal Stitches to succeed

Satinder Rakheja, the owner of Senior Sewing Machine Co., like to view television in his free times specially Discovery Channel. Senior Sewing Machine Co. is a name of trust when it comes to the sewing machines in local Indian markets. Currently Senior Sewing Machine Co. is on the top of charts in sewing machines manufacturing. Senior Sewing Machine Co. is situated in Pradhan Chowk, New Delhi. 

Satinder Rakheja

Some of the popular products rather machines manufactured by Senior Sewing Machine Co. are Quilting Machine, tape edge machine, Garment sewing machine & over lock, flat lock Machine, Embroidery Machine, and Post pad machines etc. Senior Sewing Machine Co. is equipped with all kinds of required machineries for smooth manufacturing as well as they also have all proper testing equipments for the best quality of each & every machine. 
1972 was the year when Satinder Rakheja has completed his graduation. Just after his Graduation he moved to Bangalore and learned business with his uncle which is in the line of sewing machines. In the year 1977 he started off with his own business in Bangalore & then came back to New Delhi in 1982 & started his business under the banner of Senior Sewing Machine Co. Since then he never looked back & always keep on growing through hard work & honesty. 

Satinder Rakheja don’t believe in Luck alone rather he believes that if a person is putting his efforts with honesty luck is bound to favor him. Currently only spot of bother for Senior Sewing Machine Co. is the Chinese invasion in Indian Markets, not only in their field but in other fields to and Satinder Rakheja want Government to take some serious steps to stop this. Senior Sewing Machine Co. is growing with a rapid pace through hard work & quality products and is looking for exports too.  

Senior Sewing Machine Co, 9313682280, Satinder Rakheja, Manufacturer of Quilting machine, tape edge machine, garments swing and over lark, falat lock machine embroidery machine post pad machine., New Delhi,