I C International


Innovative Welding System

R & D is one of the most powerful means which can provide pace to any of the industry no matter where it is & what is does. But one must be very dedicated & concentrated while performing R & D otherwise one may end up in troubles. India is fighting with the problem of low electricity from long time & is some not able to matching the production & requirement of electricity in any of the sectors. In such condition electricity saving products are boon to India. There are several products which save electricity on small scales which is not able to overcome the gap of electricity. The break through was provide by I. C. International, by developing an electricity saving wielding machine after a long R & D. 

Amit Khurana

I. C. International is one of the unique manufacturers of inverter based welding machines suitable for both electric (Arc) welding and TIG welding. Our other ranges include thyristorised and MIG welding. These machines are single phase and three phase as well. These machines are portable and light weight which support easy mobility. The basic models start from IC 150, IC 250,and IC 450. The inverter based machines comes as ordinary and with inbuilt HF(tigneter) .these machines consume 75% less electricity compared to other machines. The TIG machines are also suitable for SS tube mills . Although portable and light weight in size these machine can be used for long period of time The above facts make I. C. International a unique manufacturer which gave them an edge. 
Ajay Khurana & Amit Khurana, father & son respectively are looking after the I. C. International. Ajay Khurana was in the line of invertors & later on diversified into the line of Digital Wielding Rectifiers before 5 years only. He gave his best efforts to do R & D for developing such wielding machines and currently they are serving as import substitute in Indian markets. Amit Khurana is looking after the purchases & marketing while Ajay Khurana is looking after the production. The father & son duo is working hard to further improve the performance of their products. 

There is no question of any competition of any kind for I. C. International as they are the only manufacturers of such useful products all over the India. But despite of no competition they always bend to provide best solution to their costumers. I. C. International provides one year guarantee & 3 years of warranty on their every product. I. C. International is ISO 9001:2000 certified company. According to Amit Khurana, future is bright in this line & they always are looking to expand in this line & provide best of solutions to their motherland India 

I C International, 9811136119, Amit Khurana, Manufacturer of Digital welding rectifier, MIG, TIG & Thyristorised, New Delhi,