Multan Engineering Works


Scaling High

Multan Engineering Works is one of the most repudiated & renowned names in the field of basic engineering works as far as Indian local markets are concern. Yashin Multani, the owner of Multan Engineering Works has a strong ambition to achieve the top slots in every field of his life & through his dedication & hard work he mostly gets success in the field e want. Multan Engineering Works is situated in Shadara, New Delhi. 

Yashin Multani

Multan Engineering Works is a very reliable name for basic engineering works like High speed Wire drawing machines, enameling wire plants, on line plants, pwalla machine and reel, and job works etc. Multan Engineering Works is equipped with all the required machineries helpful in manufacturing like lathes, Drill Grinder, Welding sets, and they also have al kinds of testing equipments to make sure that each & every products manufactured by them is fault free. 
Yashin Multani belongs to Mujjaffar Nagar but born & brought up in New Delhi as his father was posted in Delhi. He started learning the job works over lathe machines in the year 1978. For the next 22 years he served various companies to gain experience With the huge experience of 22 years Yashin Multani is all set to start off with his own business, for being his own boss that’s why he started off with his business in 2000 under the banner of Multan Engineering Works. 

Mohd. Asif the nephew of Yashin Multani has joined the firm after the completion of his B.E. and currently he is a crucial part of the company. The main reason for the overwhelming success of Multan Engineering Works is the basic one “Quality”, they never compromise with quality. The machines manufactured by Multan Engineering Works are maintenance free as care is taken while manufacturing them. For Yashin Multani rather than quick earned money faith of the costumers in him is more crucial. 

Multan Engineering Works, 9810388941, Yashin Multani, Munfactur of Speed Wire Drawing Machine, Enamaling Wire Plants, On Line Plants, Pwalla Machine, & Reel And Job Works Also, Delhi,