Bamra Machines & Tools Pvt Ltd


Costumer Satisfaction is Our Motto

Bamra Engineering Works is one of the leading entities in the field of manufacturing of Plastic moulds & dies. The ever lasting inspiration for the excellence in its products makes Bamra Engineering Works a unique & high standard firm. Firm always inclined to gain maximum amount of costumer satisfaction and at the same time not compromising with the quality if the products.  

Saranjit Singh

Saranjit Singh, the proprietor of Bamra Engineering Works is an honest & hard working person and loves to do swimming whenever he got time from his tight schedule. He has done ITI in tools & dies making in 1973, but even before this course he was in the same line since 1965. He did this course just to be more technical in his approach. He served many companies till 1978 when he finally started with his own business. In 1979 for the very first time he was the person who designed the Audio Cassette moulds in India.  
The specialty of Bamra Engineering Works lies in Precision moulds, Tools machines, and plastic moulds. Although Bamra Engineering Works compromise all the required machineries with proper working space some of the special machines which can be found in the firm are vertical Machining center (two) and CNC pantograph apart from other conventional machines. Now they are also start manufacturing CD cover, Tooth brushes, and surgical products. 

Saranjit Singh is highly technical in his approach even he did all the designing by his own hands. His son Amarpreet Singh has joined the firm in 2004 & looking after the production. Saranjit Singh is facing the problem of skilled problem & e thinks that the only thing which can solve it is the addition of Professional Training centers in country. Some of the valued costumers of Bamra Engineering Works are T- Series, HMT, Romsons, Dent. Aids and many electrical switch gear companies. Bamra Engineering Works is exporting their products to U.S.A., U.K., Nigeria, Bangladesh, Nepal etc.  

Bamra Machines & Tools Pvt Ltd, 9811079111, Saranjit Singh, Manufacture of Precision Moulds, Tools, Machines, Dies & Plastic Moulding, Delhi,