Technopan Industries


Technical Army

Control panels are very important & sophisticated components of growing life styles. Their important is more & more increasing the growing sector of industries. One responsible & safety conscious firm or industry can’t just rely on any of the manufacturer of Control panel it requires one quality one. Technopan Industries is one of such manufacturer of quality control panels. Their superior quality helps them to outshine their competitors.  

Pradeep Mallah

Pradeep Mallah, the owner of Technopan Industries is a complete technical man & has great depth knowledge in this line. Due to his workaholic nature he hardly get any free time. He has earned man degrees from various institutes like B.E. (E) from REC kurukshetra and C. Eng. (I) MIG. Etc. He did his BE in 1986. After which he joined Hyderabad industries & served that for one & half years before starting off with his own business under the banner of Technopan Industries.  
Technopan Industries is big & quality manufacturer of AC / DC Control panel, Distribution Panels, Traffic signal Controls, and HT/LT Installation. Firm is equipped with all the required machineries for hassle free manufacturing and testing equipments for best quality products. Firm not only have latest machineries & accessories but they are also equipped with best of the engineers who are highly educated and experienced. 

The main specialty of Technopan Industries is regular maintenance and in the case of traffic lights which demand it regularly they are very regular & efficient. In near future Control panel pf the firm will be CPRI tested. Pradeep Mullah thinks that Luck plays a n\big Role but only when mixed with proper amount of hard work. He also thinks that a successful entrepreneur should know how to control his over heads. Firm is currently looking for some exports & hopes that very soon they will be actively exporting their control panels to Germany.  

Technopan Industries, 9312208722, 9810026235, Pradeep Mallah, Manufacture of AC/DC Control, Distribution Panels, Traffic Signal Controls, HT/LT Installations and all kinds of Electrical Control Panel, Haryana,