Super Springs


Springs for Success

Springs are one of the important parts which have a huge implementation in current market state of India. When there is a huge demand of any products, there are many fake promising companies which provide that particular product. Springs are no exception & are being manufactured by many companies some which are just making promises & huge profits as they use cheap raw material. Super Springs is one of those industries which mainly aim costumer’s satisfaction rather than short term profits. 

Sunny Chhabra

Super Springs was established by Mrs. K. Chhabra way back in the year 1984. But currently Sunny Chhabra, son of Mrs. K. Chhabra is looking after entire administration, marketing & production. He joined the firm just two years before but is serving as a crucial part of the firm manly working as business development Manager. He is currently pursuing a course of Exports while keeping his dedication towards business as well. 
Super Springs is a chiefly manufacturing various kinds of springs used for various purposes. They manufacture Helical, Torsional & form springs. Firm has an ample amount of space to accommodate various machinery. For best quality & hassle free manufacturing firm is equipped with all necessary machineries. Firm is also equipped with various testing equipments to ensure that each & every product manufactured by them is error free without any exception. 

With a healthy annual turn over & good success rate firm is all set for a brighter future. By the coming two years or so firm is planning to take glory of prestigious ISO 9001:2000 certification. Firm believes in Luck nut never forgets the importance of hard work. As an award they receive recognition “certification” from their costumers. Apart from distributing their products through out the country firm is also exporting the same to various countries like U.S., U.K., and U.S.S.R. etc indirectly though.  

Super Springs, 9818400308 9818599766, Sunny Chhabra, Manufacturer of all kinds of automobile spring, Haryana,