Kashi Machine Tools


Starving for Success

Kashi Machine Tools is one of the most powerful & influencing names in the field of Brakes, clutches & Rubber industry’s tool machines. The importance of these products is not bounded to any sort of clarification of explanations. The increasing demand of such products introduced many manufacturers in this line & due to competitions they are trying to perform better than the best. But Kashi Machine Tools remains the undisputed champions among all of them.  

K. R. Sharma

K. R. Sharma the proprietor of the Kashi Machine Tools is very famous for his hard working & dedicated nature. Also due to his workaholic nature he usually never gets any free time to spare. He completed his ITI in fitter way back & just immediately after that he did job. He served various firms during the period of 1976 to 2000. In those 24 years he earned enough knowledge to have his own business which he started in the year 2000.  
Kashi Machine Tools is well known repudiated & trusted name in the manufacturing of Complete plants and tools for brake linings Clutch facing & Rubber industries. . Firm is equipped with all the required machineries for hassle free manufacturing and testing equipments for best quality products. Firm not only have latest machineries but they are also equipped with best of the engineers who are highly educated & experienced. 

R. K. Sharma son of K. R. Sharma has joined the firm and is currently a very crucial part of firm. He is looking after the production. Due to the unmatchable quality products firm is easily outshining all of its competitors in this line. With a hope of bright future firm is planning to go for prestigious ISO 9001:2000 certification & also they are planning for exports. Some of the valued costumers of Kashi Machine Tools are Gulbros Auto Industries; Break well, automotive, Khamboj and Sungrow etc.  

Kashi Machine Tools, 9312223649, K. R. Sharma, Manufacturer of Complete plants and tools for brake linings Clutch facing & Rubber industries, Uttar Pradesh,