Anil Fabricators


Heading the Exile

Fabrication is one of the fields which is an ever booming one & is continuously on growth in the recent times & according to the experts is going to grow more in the coming time. Due to such perks many manufacturing firm starts their career in this line. But the adverse fact is that most of them are not quality conscious & tries to grow more by unfair means. Anil Fabricators is one of those firm for which quality product is the prime target. 

Anil Kumar

Anil Kumar is the proud proprietor of the Anil Fabricators & is very famous for his hard work & Honesty. Anil Kumar’s hard work, honesty & dedication have made him very famous & popular among his friend circle. Right Since his childhood he is very ambitious to become an entrepreneur so why just after the completion of his academics he came to Faridabad in 1997. He joined Satendra Udyog & learned the job for next 5 years. Finally in 2002 he started off with his own business under the banner of Anil Fabricators.  
Anil Fabricators is one of very few names which are very trusted & repudiated when it comes to the fabrication job. They are specialist in the electroplating plants. Firm has a total working are of over 100 square yards. Firm is equipped with all the required machineries for hassle free manufacturing and testing equipments for best quality products. Firm not only have latest machineries but they are also equipped with best of the engineers who are highly educated & experienced.  

When it comes to quality Anil Fabricators is among the best in this line, they can compete any manufacturer in this line as far as quality is concern. The after sales service of the firm is also very good. The major problem for the firm is one which is troubling most of the small scale industries i.e. bad shape of electricity. Firm also thinks that Government should provide loans at lowest possible interest rates. With booming market & exile to grow firm is looking ahead for a brighter future.  

Anil Fabricators, 9810448842, Anil Kumar, Manufacturers of Electroplating plants, Haryana,