Anand Enterprises


Builders Paradise

There more than just dreams to make a dream home. Today when the real estate market is on a real boom many constructor are making good money. But money is some what the root cause of all problems. When so many projects are undergoing world need some reliable construction materials for best results. Anand Enterprises is one of the most reliable & trusted brands in the field of manufacturing of construction materials. The trust & reliability is earned by the years of dedication & continued quality products manufacturing by the firm.  

Darshan Singh

Darshan Singh the man who did the hard work to put this firm to the level where it is right now. Along with him are two of his sons who are the major contributors to the success of the firm. Harander Singh, & Tarsem Singh both sons of Darshan Singh are very crucial part of the firm & are looking after Purchase and Production department respectively. Darshan Singh has worked with Khan Saheb Gamen and Aljabor Co. in the period of 1975-1985 when he was in Abu Dhabi. After these experiences he came to India & started off with his own business under the banner of Anand Enterprises.  
Anand Enterprises, one of the most trusted & repudiated firm in the field of construction materials is the symbol of quality. Some of the products in the manufacturing range of the firm are Road Roller, Paber Block, Tiles making machine, hydraulic Concrete, block making machine, and brick crusher etc. Firm has two units occupying 150 & 200 square yards of area. Firm is also equipped with all kinds of required machinery and testing equipments.  

Anand Enterprises is one of the pioneers in the Punjab market and are superior in the matter of quality. Tej Kaur, wife of Darshan Singh has supported his husband a lot. Resham Singh the late son of Darshan Singh has given much to the firm for the current success of the firm. Darshan Singh thinks that Government should also give them orders. In near future they like to stress more the export factor. Currently they are exporting their products to North America, Bangladesh etc.  

Anand Enterprises, 9815026513, Darshan Singh, Manufactruers of Construction Machines, Punjab,