Project Engineering Services


Numero Uno

Diary & Food items are some of the field where the growth is not creeping rather its growing on the exponential basis. Due to the high demand & tough competition in this line every firm in this field needs to improve their quality & performance which can be done only by having quality Dairy & Food processing units. Project Engineering Services is a one of the premier names in the field of dairy & Food processing items.  

Subhash Chandra & Naresh Chandra

Project Engineering Services was founded in the year 1981 some what 26 years ago by Subhash Chandra & then in the year 1987 that is 20 years ago it was joined by Naresh Chandra. Subhash Chandra was working as Refrigeration engineer in Alfa Rubber (Pune) before the establishment of Project Engineering Services. He served Alfa Rubbers for 15 long years. On the other hand Naresh Chandra has dome M.B.A. & was working as regional manager in union carbide prior to Project Engineering Services.  
Project Engineering Services is a very repudiated and trusted firm in the field of Diary & Food processing units. They also manufacture stainless Steel Cable trays. Firm is equipped with all the required machineries for hassle free manufacturing and testing equipments for best quality products. Firm not only have latest machineries but they are also equipped with best of the engineers who are highly educated & experienced. 

As in of now Project Engineering Services is number one in India & they have four units having a group ATO of whooping 34 crores. Subhash Chandra & Naresh Chandra both are very excited about the futu5re of their firm as they expects huge growth in coming time as this line is growing. Firm is satisfied with the support of government. Some of the valued costumers of Project Engineering Services are Nestle, coca-cola, ITC, Tetra pack, Fizer, and Cipla etc 

Project Engineering Services, 9810008910, Subhash Chandra & Naresh Chandra, Manufactruers of Diary & Food processing units, New Delhi,