Khalsa Electro Controls


Revolution at Best

Electrical goods are some of the products which are touching every body’s life in one or another manner. The only problem in electrical goods and accessories is that they are highly risky and due to this while choosing the manufacturers one should be very careful. There are many manufacturers of electrical goods in the markets & one such is Khalsa Electro Controls. The specialty about this firm is that they are highly quality conscious & gave preference to quality rather than profit.  

Manmohan Singh Sehmb

Manmohan Singh Sehmbi, the proud owner of Khalsa Electro Controls is a very hardworking and honest personality. His workaholic nature is his trade mark & is usually the topic of discussion among his friend circle. He completed his graduation in the year 1977 and with out wasting any time quickly joins his family business of brick mould. Then firm attach one more unit of MS Sheet Box manufacturing. Finally firm started manufacturing electrical control panel in the year 1985. 
Khalsa Electro Controls is a very repudiated and trusted firm in the field of manufacturing of electrical goods. Some of the products manufactured by firm are High class cubical control panels, Relay control panels, feeder pillars, cable duct, rising main, AMF panels, meter board, M.S. Sheet boxes & Brick Mould etc. Firm has a total working area of 180 yards & is equipped with all kinds of required machines and testing equipments. 

Baljit Singh Sehmbi, the son of Manmohan Singh Sehmbi has joined the firm in the year 1997 & since then firm has changed revolutionary. Firm is CPRI approved and is sure to grab the prestigious ISO 9001:2000 certification with in the coming two years or so. Manmohan Singh Sehmbi also considers himself lucky enough to reach at this point and also he thinks that her wife’s support can’t be ignored specially at hard times. Some of the valued costumers of Khalsa Electro Controls are METRO, Parsawnath Builders, and ANSAL Builders etc. 

Khalsa Electro Controls, , Manmohan Singh Sehmb, Manufacturers of High class cubical control panels, Relay control panels, feeder pillars, cable duct, rising main, AMF panels, meter board, M.S. Sheet boxes & Brick Mould etc, New Delhi,