S. Tech. Engineering INC.


Good Planning is half done

Offset Printing machines are growing in the market steadily. The growth of this line is the cause of the fact that this line is very result orientated line. The fine work done by machines is alluring more and more costumers in this line. On the other hand the profit incurred in this line is the cause of growing number of manufacturers in this line. In the crowd of many manufacturers one manufacturing firm which has a different identity is S. Tech. Engineering INC. & its well known for its best quality. 

S Kumar

S. Kumar, the proud owner of S. Tech. Engineering INC. is a very hardworking and honest person. Workaholic is one of the traits of his nature & due to the courtesy of which he usually never gets any free time to spare. He has done B. E. (Mechanical Engineering) and then served various firms for 6 years Finally he started off with his own business under the banner of S. Tech. Engineering INC. The main reason for him to enter this line is the fact that he has observed that there are not much goods manufactured in this line at that time. 
S. Tech. Engineering INC. is a very well known and trusted firm in the field of manufacturing of Offset Printing machines. Some of the popular products manufactured by S. Tech. Engineering INC. are STAR Offset Printing machines & all accessories and spare parts of offset Printing machines etc. Firm is equipped with all the required machineries for hassle free manufacturing and testing equipments for best quality products. Firm not only have latest machineries but they are also equipped with best of the engineers who are highly educated & experienced.  

STAR is the brand of firm & they are working hard to promote it. According to S. Kumar Government of India is of no use for Small scale industries but at the same time he believes in him self and says that he doesn’t need any help. The main cause of worry for him in business is of Finance. The support of his spouse is always of great help at crucial times. Firm is also very interested to go for exports in near future  

S. Tech. Engineering INC., 9312041212, 991108445, 9999369495, S Kumar, Manufacturers of STAR Offset Printing machines & all accessories and spare parts of offset Printing machines etc, New Delhi,