Associate Circuits


Doing Work in Right Direction

Electrical goods are some of the products which are touching every body’s life in one or another manner. The only problem in electrical goods and accessories is that they are highly risky and due to this while choosing the manufacturers one should be very careful. There are many manufacturers of electrical goods in the markets & one such is Associate Circuits. The specialty about this firm is that they are highly quality conscious & gave preference to quality rather than profit. 

Hardeep Singh

Hardeep Singh, the proud owner of Associate Circuits is a very hardworking and honest personality. His workaholic nature is his trade mark & is usually the topic of discussion among his friend circle. He completed his graduation in the year 1990 and with out wasting any time quickly did the designing of PCB. Finally he started off with his own firm in the year 1990 under the banner of Associate Circuits. 
Associate Circuits is very proficient and repudiated in the line of manufacturing Printed Circuit boards. Some of their popular products are Single side & double side PTH Printed circuit board. Apart from the manufacturing of the earlier mentioned products firm is also doing the designing to these products. Firm is equipped with all the required machineries for hassle free manufacturing and testing equipments for best quality products. Firm not only have latest machineries but they are also equipped with best of the engineers who are highly educated & experienced.  


Associate Circuits, 9810600743, 9212098047, Hardeep Singh, Manufacturers of Single side & double side PTH Printed circuit board, New Delhi,