Bee Ess Hi Tech India


Best Services at Best Price

Automobiles are one of the most required things in the life of a normal human being. The huge decrease in the prices of the automobiles has added up to the popularity of automobiles. With such a huge number of automobiles the spare parts & servicing is often required and one can not just trust any spare parts manufacturing firm. Bee Ess Hi Tech India is one of the most trusted firms in the field of all kinds of Auto Components. 

SS Verma

S. S. Verma, the proud owner of 
Bee Ess Hi Tech India is a very renowned and trusted name in the field of manufacturing of Auto components. Some of the popular brands for which Bee Ess Hi Tech India manufactures components for are Maruti, Honda city, lancer, Honda Scooter etc. Firm also manufactures sheet metal components. Firm has a working area of 200 square yards & is equipped with all kinds of required machines. Initially when started firm has only 4 power presses and currently they have 11 power presses with 3 to 75 tons range. 

S. S. Verma is very upset by the delay in the payment from costumers & thinks that this causes him lot of financial problems. Also he says that government is of no help & he didn’t expect any help of any kinds from it. Firm has donated lot to the charity; also they have manufactured a temple & 3 kilometer road in Ludhiana. S. S. Verma has no threat from Chinese invasion in Indian market as he thinks that the quality of his products is enough to outshine Chinese products. He also thinks that the position he acquire is not possible without the much needed moral support from his spouse.  

Bee Ess Hi Tech India, , SS Verma, Manufacturers of Auto components, sheet metal components, Haryana,