Decent India


Looking to Expand

Indian local markets witness the rising market of many machines & products. Locks & Hardware products are one of those. Due to heavy increase in the utilization of the Locks & hardware Products, market of same is on a boom especially in some recent time. Again the providers keep on making quick Bucks by keeping the quality of products low & the needed persons are forced to buy same. Solution comes in the name of Decent India which always inclined on quality products & imports various designs in these products. 

DK Arya

D. K. Arya, the proud owner of Decent India is one of the most honest and hardworking person in the industry. Another trait of his nature is workaholic & by the virtue of which he usually never gets any free time to spare. After the completion of his course in machinist from NTI, Shahjahanpur in the year 1982 he joined Escorts Motor cycle division, Faridabad & worked there for a year. Then he joined Indian die casting & Ogesh industry & served for 5 & 7 years respectively. Finally after the experience of 13 odd years he started off with his own business under the banner of Decent India. 
Decent India is a very renowned and trusted name in the line of manufacturing and supplying of locks & Hardware. Some of the products provided by Decent India are all kinds of Locks, hardware, machinery, lock parts, casting dies, press tools, pressure die cast components, auto parts & art wares etc. Firm is equipped with all the required machineries for hassle free manufacturing and testing equipments for best quality products. Firm not only have latest machineries but they are also equipped with best of the engineers who are highly educated & experienced. 

Although D. K. Arya started his business in the year 1990 as part time with job but it was in 1997 when he started full fledglly. Anupam Arya, son of D. K. Arya has joined the firm & is currently taking care of the purchase department. D. K, Arya thinks that government should provide industrial plot to small firms, and also should provide loans at lower interest rates. He also thinks that U.P. government should control the power mismanagement problems. D. K. Arya is not at all threatened by the Chinese invasion in Indian markets as he thinks that his products can surpass the quality of Chinese products.  

Decent India, 9358214975, DK Arya, Manufacturers of all kinds of Locks, hardware, machinery, lock parts, casting dies, press tools, pressure die cast components, auto parts & art wares, U.P.,