Amit Hydrodynamics


Quality Speaks

Hydraulic cylinders are one of the most important & useful products in the market today. It is one of the products which are used in almost all industries. The versatility & huge application of hydraulic cylinders makes it a very popular product. Due to the heavy demand of hydraulic cylinders there are many manufacturers of same in the market but Amit Hydrodynamics is one of the distinguished & renowned manufacturers in this line by the virtue of the quality products it manufactures. 

MK Verma

M. K. Verma, the proud owner of the Amit Hydrodynamics is a very hard working & honest person. He is very dedicated & determined person right from his childhood & always has an intention to have his own business. He belongs to Mathura & has done CTI in the year 1977. After his studies he joined Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. & started earning the valuable experience in this line. He served there for 4 year and finally in the year 1981 he started off with his own business under the banner of Amit Hydrodynamics. 
Amit Hydrodynamics is a very renowned & trusted name in the line of manufacturing of all types of hydraulic cylinders. Some of the poplar products of Amit Hydrodynamics are Hydraulic Cylinders, power pack Tile press & Special purpose machines. Firm is equipped with all the required machineries for hassle free manufacturing and testing equipments for best quality products. Firm not only have latest machineries but they are also equipped with best of the engineers who are highly educated & experienced.  

The main specialty of the firm is that they never compromise with the quality of the products and their prices are very reasonable & competitive and that is why Amit Hydrodynamics is outshining its competitors very easily. Firm is very positive for the prestigious ISO 9001:2000 certification in the coming future. Firm is not only distributing its products to entire India but also exporting its products to Yugoslavia, Bangladesh, and Brazil indirectly though. 

Amit Hydrodynamics, 9871560113, 9891151482, MK Verma, Manufacturers of Hydraulic Cylinders, power pack Tile press & Special purpose machines, New Delhi,