Fair Construction Company


Fair Business for Fair People

Steel Fabrication is one of the fields which is an ever booming one & is continuously on growth in the recent times & according to the experts is going to grow more in the coming time. Due to such perks many manufacturing firm starts their career in this line. But the adverse fact is that most of them are not quality conscious & tries to grow more by unfair means. Fair Construction Company is one of those firm for which quality product is the prime target. 

Jagannath Karmakar

Jagannath Karmakar is the proud owner of Fair Construction Company. He is a very honest and hardworking personality and his hard working nature is usually the topic of discussion among his friends. His workaholic nature never allowed him any free time to spare. After the completion of his Bsc from Kolkata he served various companies in this line some of them are Stuard & Lloyed, Bbacok & Wilcox, Mannes Mann Group and Mitsubishi power plant. Finally in the year 1992 he started of his own with the aim to set up the stage for his only son Rahul. 
Fair Construction Company is one of very few names which are very trusted & repudiated when it comes to the Steel fabrication job. They are specialist in the ETO sterilizer project, Medical & hospital equipments & Machineries, plant equipments, steel fabrication, Air pollution control plant, Water pollution control system etc. Firm has a total working are of over 550 square yards. Fair Construction Company is very much inclined to quality products & that too as per the costumer’s requirement. Firm not only have latest machineries but they are also equipped with best of the engineers who are highly educated & experienced & are committed to quality at individual level. 

Rahul Karmakar, son of Jagannath Karmakar has joined the firm last year after the completion of his B. E. Mechanical. Firm is ISO 9001:2000 certified. Jagannath Karmakar has visited lot of counties in his job period & an urge to invade the international market. Steel price hike & bad shape of Power are the two major problems ahead of Fair Construction Company. Jagannath Karmakar thinks that Government should provide industrial loans at lower interest rates & also must control corruption.  

Fair Construction Company, 9810317266, Jagannath Karmakar, Manufacturers of ETO sterilizer project, Pharmaceutical, Medical & hospital equipments & Machineries, plant equipments, steel fabrication, Air pollution control plant, Water pollution control system,steels fabrication works, chemical tank, Vessels, M. S. Pipe Fittings, Effluent treatment Plant, Bins, Trollies, S.S. fabrication & Spot wielding etc etc, Haryana,