U-Life System


Experienced Expertise

Stabilizers and Transformers are some of those crucial parts which are used in very wide range of electronic instruments and products. All of are aware of the hugely growing electronic products now days. So the demand of stabilizers and Transformers are increasing day by day which triggers the growth of manufacturers of the same products. U-Life System is one of such manufacturers but the special fact is that they are very quality conscious. 


Mahboob, the proud owner of the U-Life System is a very hard working and honest person with high level of determination. He has just one love and one hobby and amazingly they both are also same & that’s his work and so why because of his workaholic nature he usually never gets any free time to spare. After the completion of his studies he worked with India Techno for 7 years from 1988 to 1995. With the knowledge & experience gained by him in 7 years he then go for his own firm in the year 1995. 
U-Life System is a very repudiated and trusted name in the field of manufacturing of Stabilizers and Transformers. Some of the popular products of U-Life System are Servo, automatic voltage, stabilizer, variac, isolation transformer, CVT, and all types of Transformers etc. Firm is equipped with all the required machineries for hassle free manufacturing and testing equipments for best quality products. Firm not only have latest machineries but they are also equipped with best of the engineers who are highly educated & experienced. 

The key factor of the overwhelming success of the firm is the huge experience of the owner, Mahboob. He believes that Luck plays role but never forgets the importance of hard work. He also thinks that Government should provide loans at low interest rates. Currently firm is struggling with the problem of skilled labor and finance & thinks that Government should provide them loans at lowest possible rates. Firm is also planning to go for exports in near future. 

U-Life System, 9810182310, Mahboob, Manufacturers of Servo, automatic voltage, stabilizer, variac, isolation transformer, CVT, and all types of Transformers etc, Delhi,