Joezer Tooling Systems


Innovation Experts

Sheet Metal Components are flooding the market just like anything and these machines are so popular that there is a huge demand of same in the market. To match the demand of the Sheet Metal components many manufacturers are also flooding the market but in the huge number of manufacturer the quality is somewhat missing, as most of firms are just keeping the eyes on their profits & to produce more and more machineries neglecting the quality part. Joezer Tooling Systems is one of the firms which have the preference of quality over the profits. 

Dellus James

Dellus James, the proud owner of Joezer Tooling Systems is a very hardworking & ambitious guy. Due to his workaholic nature he hardly get any free time. He also loves to get involved in social works apart from his business. He has a vast experience in this line. He always wants to be an entrepreneur & he thinks of his own business & firm since his childhood. He always stays in the top notches as far as his academic backgrounds concerned. His quality conscious nature always keeps the quality of the products very high. He has done Tool Engineering from NTTF, Bangalore in the year 1984. Then he joined System & stamps Ltd., Kanpur & serve there for 3 years. The he served Rasandhik India Ltd., and later on J USIN Ltd. where he served for 16 years. Finally in the year 2006 he started off with own business under the banner of Joezer Tooling Systems. 
Joezer Tooling Systems, one of the most trusted & repudiated firm in the field of manufacturing of sheet metal components is the symbol of quality. Some of the products in the manufacturing range of the firm are Dies & moulds, Sheet-Metal components, Auto electrical components, progressive tools and dies etc. Firm has huge working area for the accommodation of all machines & manufacturing space. Firm is also equipped with all kinds of required machinery and testing equipments. 

Joezer Tooling Systems is an ISO 9001:2000 certified firm from TUV. Joezer Tooling Systems is a single source for critical components and this fact gave them an enormous edge over there competitors. According to Dellus James bad shape of power is big problem for his firm & is hampering the business & he thinks government should do something about it. He also thinks that government should provide loans at lowest possible interest rates so as to help small entrepreneur to fight with their financial problems. Some of the valued costumers of Joezer Tooling Systems are Deltronic India Ltd., JNS instruments Ltd., and Kai Sumit Neela auto etc. 

Joezer Tooling Systems, 9812839806, Dellus James, Manufacturers of Dies & moulds, Sheet-Metal components, Auto electrical components, progressive tools and dies etc, Haryana,