Aman International


Strong Basics to deliver The Best

Sheet Metal Fabrication is one of the most growing sectors now days in the local Indian markets. Sheet metal fabrication is required by almost every firm at one or another point of time. Due to the heavy demand of sheet metal fabrication there are many providers of the same in the market. Although there are sufficient number of providers but still some where the quality factor of missing but Aman International is one of the firm which is emphasizing more on quality. 

Pradeep Kumar

Pradeep Kumar is the proud owner of the Aman International and is a very dedicated & determined person. In his free time he likes to spend his time in religious activities and also he is fond of astrology. He started carrier with a job in the year 1980 after the completion of his education which is B.Com. He did hard work for next 15 years & gained valuable experience and knowledge in this line. Finally he started off with his own business in the year 1996 under the banner of Aman International. 
Aman International is a very renowned and trusted firm in the field of sheet metal fabrication. Some of the popular products of Aman International are sheet metal fabrication for electronic industry, chassis for emergency light, Panel Boxes, Bus bar, copper Bus Baro, Electronic Chassis, and sheet metal components etc. Firm is equipped with all the required machineries for hassle free manufacturing and testing equipments for best quality products. Firm not only have latest machineries but they are also equipped with best of the engineers who are highly educated & experienced. 

Firm is looking to grab the honor of prestigious ISO 9001:2000 certification with in the coming two or three years. Pradeep Kumar thinks that Government should implement the one window clearance system in India so as to minimize the harassment of an entrepreneur and also should improve the bad shape o power. According to him Chinese plays on Volume & in this strategy they are not able to fulfill the entire need of our country. Some of the value costumers of Aman International are Insta Power Ltd., Rita Pad printing Systems Ltd., and Octopus Power Solutions etc.  

Aman International, 9811610610, 9212339612, Pradeep Kumar, Manufacturers of sheet metal fabrication for electronic industry, chassis for emergency light, Panel Boxes, Bus bar, copper Bus Baro, Electronic Chassis, and sheet metal components etc, Haryana,