Prime Machine Tools


Willing to Exile

Prime Machine Tools is some of those organizations which works for quality & thinks that the only way to exile is by gaining maximum amount of costumer satisfaction. Prime Machine Tools is a trusted & repudiated firm in the manufacturing of cylindrical grinding & all kinds of related job works. The basic target of firms is to gain maximum costumer satisfaction through high quality products rather than making big bucks. 

Ajayan Pillai

Ajayan Pillai the proprietor of the Prime Machine Tools is very famous for his hard working & dedicated nature. Also due to his workaholic nature he usually never gets any free time to spare. He likes to view News on television. He completed his ITI way back in the year 1988 from Kerala & just immediately after that he came to Delhi and did job. He served Career Aircon during the period of 1988 to 2000. In those 12 years he earned enough knowledge to have his own business which he started in the year 2001 under the banner of Prime Machine Tools. 
Prime Machine Tools is a very repudiated and trusted firm in the field of manufacturing of various kinds of machines. The specialty of Prime Machine Tools lies in the All types of Tool Room Work & maintenance, Cylindrical grinding, Lathe Work, And all types of job work undertaking etc. Firm is equipped with all the required machineries for hassle free manufacturing and testing equipments for best quality products. Firm not only have latest machineries but they are also equipped with best of the engineers who are highly educated & experienced. 

Firm has a rule to follow & that is to provide best services & quality to their costumers at reasonable prices. Firm is looking for a brighter future and is also looking to expand their products range. Some of the valued costumers of Prime Machine Tools are Breaks India, Accurate Auto, Kawnnawad Enterprises and Omax Fusion etc. According to Ajayan Pillai Government should cut down the paper work. He also thinks that Chinese products are of no quality & that’s why he is not bothered about it. Firm is also planning to go for exports in near future 

Prime Machine Tools, 9868415191, 9810644682, Ajayan Pillai, Manufacturers of All types of Tool Room Work & maintenance, Cylindrical grinding, Lathe Work, And all types of job work undertaking Bush piller and piller Set etc, Haryana,