MKG Electronics India


Chips Specialist

MKG Electronics India is one of the most experienced & booming company in local Indian markets. The main specialty of MKG Electronics India is their best quality which helps them not just staying in the market over the years but also to stay on top & out shining their competitors and it’s still going solid to fight any competitions. At MKG Electronics India, one can find various Kinds of transformers and Audio Chips & Plates. 

Chips Specialist

Ganga Prasad is the proud proprietor of the MKG Electronics India & is very famous for his hard work & Honesty. Ganga Prasad’s hard work, honesty & dedication have made him very famous & popular among his friend circle. Right Since his childhood he is very ambitious to become an entrepreneur so why just after the completion of his academics he learned the job work & did job also for next 2 years from 1995 to 1997 in same line. Finally in 1997 he started off with his own business under the banner of MKG Electronics India. 
MKG Electronics India is a very repudiated and trusted name in the field of manufacturing of Transformers & audio chips. The main products manufactured by MKG Electronics India are RF Board, Audio Plate, Power Supply Plate, Transformers Fright Core, FM plate and all types of customized PCB’s. Etc. Firm is equipped with all the required machineries for hassle free manufacturing and testing equipments for best quality products. Firm not only have latest machineries but they are also equipped with best of the engineers who are highly educated & experienced. 

Ganga Prasad also believes that the future of his firm is very bright & it can compete with the Chinese counterparts which are invading Indian markets. He also thinks that the support of his spouse has played a vital role in his success. The costumers of MKG Electronics India include most of big names which are involved in the manufacturing of DTH, DVD players and VCD players. Firm is planning to go for the prestigious ISO 9001:2000 certification in near future. 

MKG Electronics India, 9811460389, Chips Specialist , Manufacturers of RF Board, Audio Plate, Power Supply Plate, Transformers Fright Core, FM plate and all types of customized PCB’s. Etc, New Delhi,