AD Engg Works


Hard work With Wisdom

A. D. Engg. Works is one of the very successful firms of India. A. D. Engg. Works is manufacturing electroplating Plants & Machineries. The area of electroplating is very Growing & demanding. The demand of electroplating in the market is the result of the high application & versatility of it. Due to high demand there are many manufacturers of same in the market. But A. D. Engg. Works is outshining all of its competitors on the basis of unmatchable quality. 

Darshan Singh

Darshan Singh, the proud owner of the A. D. Engg. Works is a very hard working and honest person with high level of determination. He has just one love and one hobby and amazingly they both are also same & that’s his work and so why because of his workaholic nature he usually never gets any free time to spare. After his studies he worked with many firms of this line & after working for 13 years he started of his own firm with intention of growing more. 
A. D. Engg. Works is a very repudiated & trusted firm in the manufacturing of all kinds of Electroplating Plants. Some of the popular products of the firm are Complete Electroplating plants, machinery Rectifiers, Dryers Agitation, Salt Spray Test Chambers, Barrels, Tank Filter, Machine Tools, & Chemical Plants etc. Firm is equipped with all the required machineries for hassle free manufacturing and testing equipments for best quality products. Firm not only have latest machineries but they are also equipped with best of the engineers who are highly educated & experienced. 

In the future plans firm is planning to grow in same pace and they are also targeting the prestigious ISO 90012000 certification with in the coming two years or so. They are also planning to go for exports although they are providing machines all around the country. Darshan Singh Thinks that the future of his firm is bright as there is a lot of boom in this line. The marketing strategy of the firm is planned through advertisement & personal contacts.  

AD Engg Works, 9313533906, Darshan Singh, Manufacturers of Complete Electroplating plants, machinery Rectifiers, Dryers Agitation, Salt Spray Test Chambers, Barrels, Tank Filter, Machine Tools, & Chemical Plants etc. auto industries, sheet metal components, precision components, printing industries, Haryana,