Mala Engg Works


Luck pays but hard work is Must

Rolling Shutter Machines tops the category of machines which are growing at faster rates and in near future the growth of these machines are expected to grow more rapidly. The reason for rapid growth of these machines is the versatility of these machines. Due to the high demand there are many manufacturers of these machine sin the market. But Mala Engg. Works is one of the firm which is standing tall against all the competitors in this line. 

Gopal Ji

Gopal Ji, the proud owner of the Mala Engg. Works is a very hard working and honest person. He loves his work to extreme & whenever he got time out of his tight schedule he loves to get involved in some religious activities, although he usually never get much time out of his business due to workaholic nature. Since his childhood he thought of his own business and that why after earning an experience of many years he started with his own business in the year 1986.  
Mala Engg. Works is one of the most trusted & repudiated name in the line of manufacturing of Rolling Shutter Machines. They are specialist in Rolling shutter machines, Sheet cutter, Spring machines, Celling Section, POP machine, Shutter Side, Lock Plate machine and other machines etc. Firm is equipped with all the required machineries for hassle free manufacturing and testing equipments for best quality products. Firm not only have latest machineries but they are also equipped with best of the engineers who are highly educated & experienced. 

In the future plans firm is planning to grow in same pace and they are also targeting the prestigious ISO 90012000 certification with in the coming time. They are also planning to go for exports although they are providing machines all around the country. Gopal Ji Thinks that the future of his firm is bright as there is a lot of boom in this line. The marketing strategy of the firm is planned through advertisement & personal contacts. 

Mala Engg Works, 9868114107, 9891002404, Gopal Ji, Manufacturers of Rolling shutter machines, Sheet cutter, Spring machines, Celling Section, POP machine, Shutter Side, Lock Plate machine and other machines, spring machine, spm etc, New Delhi,