Encon Thermal Engineers (P) Ltd.


Succeeding through R & D

Encon Thermal Engineers was established in 1978 during energy crisis in the country (India). The name is coined from the phrase "Energy Conservation & Conversion". After establishing our credentials in heat recovery systems and energy management system, ENCON started manufacturing furnaces and their allied equipment. Encon Thermal Engineers is managed by qualified Engineers & Technocrats who are well- versed in design, manufacturing, installation and commissioning of FUEL EFFICIENT SYSTEMS. Over the last 30 years, we have pioneered these systems and installed them on a 'Turn Key Basis' with guaranteed results for a number of reputed industries in the world, both in the Public sector and the Private sector.  

Indrish Chandra

Company is specialist in Manufacturing ofSteel Plant - Tundish/Ladle Heating System, Oxy Fuel Systems, Reheating Furnaces, Recuperator, Cumbustion Equipments, Fuel Handling System, GasifierTransformers & Distribution [ T&D ] Industries - Ovens, Gas Heating Elements.Automotive Industries - Ovens & Indirect Heating Furnaces of High Temperature through Radiant Tube. Foundries - Core Baking Oven, Sand Dryer System, Furnaces, Coal Gasifier. Aluminium Industries - Melting Furnaces, Oxy Fuel System, Recuperator, Ageing Ovens.Pharmaceutical Industries - Ovens Cement Industries - Hot Air Generator & Heat Stream.Ayurvedic & Herbal Industries - Ovens Powerd by Radiant Tube. Surface Coating - Phosphoric Tanks, Boric Tanks, Preheating Chamber. Glass Industries - High Temperature Combustion System, Glass & Annealing Furnaces.Ceramics & Refractories Industries Custom Made Solution For Energy Conservation & Energy Conversion 
To take care of the global needs of ENVIRONMENT, ENERGY CONSERVATION & ENERGY CONVERSION, ENCON R&D Centre was started in the year 1997. The project is sponsored by Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL) and Ministry of Science & Technology in partnership with Indian Institute of Petroleum , Dehradun. Co. is pleased to inform that the development of gaseous film burner has established a saving of upto 16% on the conventional burners. It is also proud to inform you that this R&D Center has innovated Gas Heating Elements which can retrofit any heating elements (electric energised) application upto 300°C temperature, High Velocity Burners, Gas Lances. This technological innovation of Gas Heating Elements has won the 'First Prize' for the 'Best Technology' during Techmart'99 India International Trade Fair (IITF'99).  

The gas heating elements also bagged the 'EXCELLENCE IN TECHNOLOGY' from CII 2003 FUEL ECONOMY IN STEEL PLANTS THROUGH BURNERS & FURNACES By introduction of IIP-ENCON 'Film Burner' a major breakthrough was achieved. The saving in any given application ranged from 5% to 50%. The technology breakthrough has created a revolution in the world. ENCON India has changed more than 6000 burners to IIP-ENCON 'Film Burners' internationally and is in the process of converting many more. Our International collaborations MBI - RAD, U.K. It is the sole selling agents of AMBI-RAD, U.K. for India, Nepal and Sri Lanka. HERMANN GMBH U. CO., GERMANY.It is the sole selling agents of Hermann GmbH u. Co., Germany for India, Nepal and Sri Lanka.ENCON has started an Institute of Combustion Technology where we organize crash courses and provide training facilities for Engineers from the Industry. The course covers an introduction of combustion systems and their proper installation, running and maintenance.The institute trains Engineers in the field of fuel firing and is the first of its kind in India.  

Encon Thermal Engineers (P) Ltd., 9818094582, Indrish Chandra, Manufacturer of paint-baking-oven, oxy-fuel-application1, medicine-drying-oven-side, medicine-drying-oven-inside, isolators-curing-oven2, isolators-curing-oven, encon-recuperator, encon-raycon-systems, encon-heating-pumping, encon-Gasifire-system, core-baking-oven, encon-blower-air-combustors, and encon-coal-gasifire-diagram, Haryana,