Exotica Hi- Tech Seeds Pvt. Ltd.



As the key players in the company had vast experience in seed business development, the maintenance of ‘QUALITY’ is recognised as the only vehicle for growth. Hence the company makes all out efforts to ensure best quality in Parent Seeds as well as Hybrid seeds, which are marketed. The quality of the company’s Hybrid seeds can be compared with the best in the world. To ensure quality the company subjects the seeds for lab as well as field tests in four replications and mercilessly rejects the seeds, which are found to be substandard 

R. K. Dhar

The single-minded goal of the company is to make world-class products available to Indian Farmers at local prices.Regarding quality the company’s Hybrid seeds must be comparable with the best in the world.  
The company has R & D centre at Hyderabad spread over 16 hectares where in 20 Qualified & Experienced Breeders and Assistants work relentlessly under the guidance of CEO R. K. Dhar and Directors of the co. The company has Germplasm Bank with about 1,000 lines in Corn, 100 lines in Sunflower, 250 lines in Millet and about 500 lines in vegetables like Okra Chilly, Tomato & Watermelon. The company is in the process of establishing Bio-Technology Lab for developing new hybrids through Marker Assisted Selections/Marker Aided Breding 

Exotica Hi- Tech Seeds Pvt. Ltd. is one of the best manufacturers of Control Panel in the markets of India. The most important fact about the firm is that they always wishes to do extraordinary compared to other firms. This fact mostly keeps them ahead of their competitors by a huge margin. Apart from the quality transportation Services firm also keeps their rates very reasonable so that no body has to choose between quality & prices.  

Exotica Hi- Tech Seeds Pvt. Ltd., 9440195346, R. K. Dhar, Manufacturer of Seeds for agriculture industries, Hyderabad, Andra Pradesh AP,