Extreme Machine High Tech Pvt. Ltd.

Extreme Application

“When it gets tough, tough gets going”, fits well with L. N. Sharma and his powder coating solutions. He opted teaching as profession after completing Phd in geography. But he left, as financial motivation was not enough to continue.His brother in law, a  

For getting the required knowledge he joined a powder coating plant as production engineer. Later on after getting confidence he started own powder coating unit at Sanjay Colony and marketing capability to undertake powder coating job work for GE Motors,  
In short span this made him machinist. He diversified into manufacturing powder coating machines, plants for him and others. Margins earned motivated him to manufacture whole solution including automatic plants and till date he has erected more than 200 p 

Lot of paint manufacturer is resorted to him for his user-friendly powdercoating machine because that increases consumption of their powder coating paints. In future he is planning to manufacture indigenous ED coating plant plants and also appointing deal 

Extreme Machine High Tech Pvt. Ltd., , L. N. Sharma, Manufacturer & Suppliers of powder coating machine, plants, automatic plants & job work , Faridabad, Haryana,