Friends Coaters

Weather Proof Coat

In any size and texture for not you but for your precious gadgets iron, furniture, almiras and sheet metal components. Yes, today size matters because it provides innovation in your action to apply powder coating on any thing, which has convinced many ele 

Toddler friends Sonu Kejriwal and Sonu Gupta who opted to take as business because firstly implement initiative in undertaking powder coating job work as consumption of powder coating is increasing day by day. So they installed biggest oven having dimensi 
Foresighted enough to implement ISO recognized practices to hep their job work proiders to follow TS, which would make their panel easier to export. To follow good environmental policies they installed sand blasting to eliminate chemical treatment prior t 

They are working on financial feasibility of having all finishing solution under one roof so provide their clients S.S. Power, Adroitt Power Control, RM Control, Unitherm Indeto Weld, Cromwell a edge.  

Friends Coaters, 9811040365, Sonu Gupta, Specialist in Giant job of powder coating & Painting Job, Sand Blasting, Haryana-121006,