G. D. Engineers

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Gopi Sharma worked with Devendra Engg Works in 1974 and then joined Escort as machinist where continued for another two years years but zeal of leaning made him to work with various organization North Tool & Gauges, Minda, Super Auto including within dura 

He is known for capability in wiring harness and mirror line for manufacturing related tools, dies, jigs, fixtures & jig boring for companies like Delpi, Sirinisons Wiring System Pvt. Ltd, Motherson 
With continuous trying he is able to develop spare parts and components used in ONGC for Sara Service Engineeers and Gemtex. Able to make components for automatic lathe and traub machine 

In near future would want to work at multi geographical religion for catering local requirement. His wife Ramvati Sharma made arrangement keep up social responsibilities of arranging group marriages and fund to blind association. His son Divesh is enthusi 

G. D. Engineers, 9811102196, Gopi Sharma, Manufacturer of tools, dies, jigs, fixtures and jig boring, Faridabad, Haryana,