Hind Fab

Cable Guy

You could find one in reality than in Hollywood movie. He is P. R. Naryanan, who is known among various reputed corporate houses for bailing them from breakdown, whatever technology is involved, specially cable and related technology. 

In 1969 he did mechanical engineering after which he joined Delton Cables to look after their projects in domestic as well as including overseas in Malaysia and Mauritius. Where he was known for assimilation of new and old technology to cut down operation 
In 1975 joined HMD syringes to develop few prototype to manufacture indigenous scalpels in India and also helped them to automise manufacturing process for bringing the uniformity in final product. 

In 1981 thought to start providing consultancy for setting plants for manufacturing telephone cables, PVC cables and electricity cables. To resource customers the fully indigenous plant, start manufacturing various models of machines to suits individual n 

Hind Fab, 9810027305, P. R. Narayanan, Manufacturer of Cable Machine, Haryana,