K M Electro Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Listen in my way

Says, 21 years old Sailesh Mishra who hold more than 27 intellectual property rights in sound technology. He did electronic diploma from IETE and few professional courses related to consumer electronic 

He designed wireless speaker system during bed rest after fracturing his leg. This made him to take acoustic as career by providing solution like installation, system designing, sound circulation techniques, sound jammers, sound reflectors. He arranged fu 
Many TV manufacturing companies including, NICE, PHX resorted him for upgrading sound quality by assembling and manufacturing sound reinforcement system, entertainment system (CTV, VCR, VCD, DVD) theater system and automised circuit sound card. Acceptance 

He is associated with Pine Creek Tech Ltd. as Chief R&D for helping them in their sound application techniques. He also providing solution for reducing noise pollution in factories to increase efficiency of workers. 

K M Electro Technologies Pvt. Ltd., , , Home theater kits, and design in turn key basis, ,