M. I. Engg. Works

Confidence in him

Vijay Kumar Chatrath did mechanist diploma which given him job in quality department of Escort which he did with sincerity, in return got recognized by management with rewards of regular promotion and in short span able to reach upto the position of quali 

Confidence of management on him is immense, so decision makers decided to give him opportunity to empower his skills by making him vendor for casting their aluminum components of shock absorbers. He installed pressure die casting machine which was funded  
Later on diversified into manufacturing precision shocker turning and railway brakes. Today he is planning to utilize the idle capacity by getting into exporting components and putting all efforts in finding buyers abroad.  

He has taken ISO to streamline manufacturing capability by reducing rejection and wastage. He gave proper focus in educating his worker to apply modern techniques to automise the setup, in return get much needed co-operation from them also. his wife Indu 

M. I. Engg. Works, 9891185871, Vijay K. Chatrath, Precision Shocker Turning, Railway Air Brakes, Pressure Die Casting and Aluminium components, Haryana,