M. R. Industries

Maturity provides Reliability

Customer will certainly give you an opportunity, if he finds you reliable enough. This gives him assurance about your capability to execute or provide which he is looking for, says, R. K. Mishra who has worked with various organization after completing in 

10 years of working with G. C. Engineering is more significant but as his employer got settled abroad, he decided to continue providing maintenance and repair facility to companies attached with them in 2002 
Decision to become an entrepreneur by his wife Meera Mishra who is teaching history at in Inter College. They invested their saved up capital to purchase lathe, milling and drill at rented shed. 

He believe in working hard to earn more. Very soon developed specilisation in manufacturing pneumatic cylinder, jigs, fixtures and order supplies for sugar mill. Later on start manufacturing turbine components and assemblies for Ballace India Ltd, I B Tur 

M. R. Industries, 9810976771, R. K. Mishra, Manufacturer of Pneumatic cylinder, jig, Fixtures & order suppliers for sugar mill, UP-201001,