Precision Graphic Engineers

Eagles are Precise

In killing their prey whereas Y. P. Taneja builds many, which give you precise graphics. Puzzled!. He manufactures single, double and four colour sheet fed offset printing machines, which are designed to provide quality your customers will appreciate. 

He worked with various organization after mechanical engineering including Kelivinator , Isgec but marketing and service experience of imported printing machine in Printer House during 1978-99 was significant where he earned reputation with various client 
He concentrated himself in developing features and systems suited to Indian clients including running registration, dampening water re-circulation, centralized greasing for gripper shafts, centralized oil lubrication, sheet detector, digital sheet counter 

He has developed vendor base to maintain consistency in quality and emphasis more in metallurgy to make component which last long to provide precise results. Participating in the fairs he rely most for marketing where he interact his customers directly. H 

Precision Graphic Engineers, 9810112900, Y. P. Taneja, Manufacturer of “Eagle” Sheet Fed offset Printing Machines , Haryana,