Nagar industrial Garment machine (Repairing Centre)

Every Make Every Type

Janak Nagar did the course for assimilating the maintenance industry of Garment Machines from Apparel & Leather Techniques Pvt. Ltd, S Bangalore in the year 1992. Then he joined India Industrial Garment machine as a service Engineer in 1993. He worked the 

In the year 1998 he started his own workshop for repairing of garment Machines. During his service period he earned immense of Goodwill from the Garment Industries and that had helped him a lot to get the orders. Now days, his company has a strength of 25 
Raj Knitters, Anish India export, Freabi Fashion, Mastro Engineering, Elegant Overseas, Kay Bee Overseas & Kiran Associates are the major clients who are attaches with Nagar. Nagar feels that his hard work, best servicing and good relations with the cust 


Nagar industrial Garment machine (Repairing Centre), , Janak Nagar, Eastman, Kansai Special & all imported garment machines repairing center, Juki & Pegasus Machine, Gurgaon, Haryana, Haryana,