Technolink India


This ISO 9001 : 2000 compliant Technolinks India has been started by he father of Raj Tandon the current proprietor of the company, before 35 years. Since the child hood Raj Tandon was observing and taking keen interest with the job works, which were don 

By and by, the interest of Raj Tandon developed and he involved himself completely in business. Initially Raj Tandon did lot of struggle to establish his company. Even he was developing samples at midnight for getting the orders and selling those in the K 
His company is fully equipped with machineries and testing lab to manufacture all types of precision turned components. He feels that the blessing of parents and god has paved his way to reach at this height of success. 


Technolink India, , Raj Tandon, Manufacturer CNC machined parts, Haryana,