Makram Machines Pvt Ltd

Contact For Right Direction.

Now steel industry has become the steal industry, there is no place for the honest manufacturer into this line, and that is why the honest manufacturer of this line are closing down their industry, says S. Jaydhar, M.D. Makaram Machines Pvt Ltd, Ghaziabad 

S Jayadhar

S. Jaydhar started the job of providing consultancy to the upcoming new plants of the line of Rolling Mill as he was having the maximum experience into the line of Rolling Mill. He has installed so many Rolling Mills into all around India and abroad under 
Now a days, His firm Makaram Machines Pvt Ltd is engaged in manufacturing the total Rolling Mill Plants and its equipments. S. Jaydhar feels that his honest hard work, depth knowledge of the Industry, best qulity jobs have helped him a lot to reach at thi 


Makram Machines Pvt Ltd, 9810085562, S Jayadhar, Rolling mill Consultant, UP-201009,