Nirog Pharma Pvt. Ltd.

One Tablet Daily Keeps You Nirog

Continuing family occupation could be a profitable career if you do it with dedication says Anil Kumar Jain, MD, Nirog Pharma Pvt. Ltd. who ventured into family business of Auyurvedic Medicines with an investment of Rs. 5000. This was well supported with 

Anil Kumar Jain

Even first year turnover of Rs. 14 thousand couldn’t deter him, but given motivation to increase turnover in five figures by appointing 100 odd dealers and 5 C&F agents in Delhi, UP, MP, Gujurat, Bihar, Chattisgarh. Believes in taking the consent of deal 
He moved to his new setup in Anand Industrial Estate to have more space by installing state of art machinery for producing his product in hygienic manner. To increase output and keep pace with demand he adopted ethical practices and this is the real secre 


Nirog Pharma Pvt. Ltd., , Anil Kumar Jain, FMCG, Pachak, Gandhi Nagar,Delhi -110031,