Yasha Electronics

Passion of R& D

Inverter, Stabilizer, U.P.S., H.V. Tester, welding machine, C.V.T., Servo Stabilizer, Power Transformer 3 phase, Battery Charger and Battery are our manufacturing ranges, says Nadeem Akhtar, Yasha Electronic. He started his career in the year 1988 after t 

Nadeem Akhtar

Khaleeq Ahmad

In the year 1991 he decided to start of his own by feeling by feeling the limitation of growth in service. Initially he was manufacturing stabilizer and later on, the product ranges like Industrial Stabilizers and CVT have been added. Yasha Electronic has 
Nadeem Akhtar has a passion of doing R&D and due to this it has developed lot of new products for the Industries. TO upgrade the knowledge, he visit the exhibitions and reds magazines regularly and this hobby has made him different from other manufacturer 

Khaleeq Ahmad his brother has joined the business in 1993 and then he is taking care of marketing where as Nadeem Akhtar takes care of Design, Production and overall administration. 

Yasha Electronics, , Nadeem Akhtar, Khaleeq Ahmad, Manufacturer of Inverter,Stablizer, Battery, C.V.T. Power Transformer 3 Phase, Welding Machine, Servo Stablizer, H.V. Tester, U.P.S., Delhi,